Obviously, and unfortunately, being a new site, it isn’t yet bristling with prize draws to win 10 Ducati Desmodici’s, or a years supply of trackdays yet, but hey, it’s early days, so let’s just see it grow together. (wipes a tear)

Before you turn yourself into some doom laden rant machine, “oh god, what a load of rubbish, I'm gonna write Ann Robinson etc etc”, just cool down, sit back (obviously so you can still operate your computer properly, Dur!), and believe me, it will improve with age, providing you keep it dusted, as the folks will only complain every time they come round. (can’t help with that one, I’m afraid)
I imagine there maybe some of you who may have stumbled upon this, thanks to their search engine sending them in the wrong direction, desperately trying to find that elusive reconditioned gearbox for the 1973 1600 Ford Cortina, Granny left them in her will.
Just think seriously for a second...

Or this...

Well, unfortunately, I can’t help with that one either, but you could of course sell the car, save yourself some money, and get a bike instead, it will rust less, and won’t need to have fake Tiger fur seat covers either. (they must be a nightmare to keep clean, all those dry cleaning bills, just think, gone forever)
Anyway, I will be using the services of RSS, so if anybody wants to subscribe to the site, they should get regular updates as and when they are put on the site. You may however end up with receiving updates from some cross stitching site based in Slough, but you can’t say I’m not trying. More of the possible case of not quite getting it right first time. Just give me one more chance Guv’nor.
Even if it’s only you, don’t worry, just hang in there sunshine, even flares come back into fashion on a fairly regular basis (ok, every 10 years), but the option will be there if you want it. (you never know, cross stitching could be quite fun I suppose if you really are THAT bored, just imagine how those flares of yours will look after a bit of "crossin' ".)
As well as my temporary insane ramblings, there will be up to date news from the major manufacturers, as well as some insider information as and when it shows it head, eg: New models, who got the most drunk at the launch ceremony, spot the Robin Reliant, Best comedy helmet accessories etc etc.
I have also included amongst the various review categories, (as and when they appear) Longtermers pieces, so you can get a good idea how well items are actually fairing up over reasonable mileage, and abuse. (well some of those are actually mine, so not too much abuse there unfortunately, you don’t have to clean it up afterwards!)
Off you go then, single file, and don’t spit Thompson!
Speak to you all soon (aren’t you the lucky one(s).)
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